NAMI Logistics has clearly defined its goal which is to provide maximum support to partners and process optimization in the supply chain to help clients create competitive advantages in the market. In this sense, the role of spedition service is very clear and it is determined by the goals of the company itself. The spedition sector will take over all important processes, leaving partners-clients the opportunity to focus on sales or production, i.e. their own core business.
Our team provides spedition services to all our partners who store goods in our logistics center. With this, our partners have a great advantage because with one phone call they complete the whole chain when importing their goods from the place of loading through the transport, customs border, warehousing through the customs warehouse to its distribution through our team and all this with a single phone call.
Something new in NAMI LOGISTICS in the part of the Customs brokerage sector is the decision of the Ministry of Finance - Department of Customs, where NAMI Logistics is granted the privileged status of AUTHORIZED CONSIGNEE.
What does it mean for you:
A great privilege in time and shorter procedures when placing your goods in our Public Customs Warehouse. Now your goods, after crossing the Serbian border, go straight to be stored in our Public Customs Warehouse.
Upon completion of customs procedures and registration of vehicle arrivals, unloading of goods is accessed. It's all over in less than an hour! You don't need to lose more than half a day any more, you reduce the cost of car days at the conveyor and the goods is already safely stored in the prescribed conditions in our warehouse. The vehicle is unloaded within an hour and it is free for new cargo. Take advantage of this privilege, reduce your costs and be faster.